Good morning! There are some new features that were released last night in AdvancedMD that help make our jobs a little easier.
Auto-Populate Date of Service on Notes: Before this update, if you went back to an appointment from a previous day to start the note, you had to change the date on the bottom. This is no longer the case. The date on the note now automatically matches up to the date of the appointment! YOU MUST start the note from the scheduler/provider list view and add it as a "linked note"
Inviting a Guest to an Appointment: If a client has a "guest" (such as a parent or spouse/partner) that is wanting to join the session, you can now send a link to them via the "provider list view" (where you launch your telehealth sessions) Check out the AdvancedMD Help Site for a video walkthrough!
1. Click Options on an appointment and select Send Invite.
2. Click Send invitation to a guest.
3. Enter an email or phone number for the guest.
4. Acknowledge the Liability statement.
5. Send Invite.
New Pre-Telehealth Chat:
From here, you can chat with your clients.